Opponents have to either be denied dex bonus to AC, or flanked. Warlocks do most of their damage at 10' with Glaive, but if you want to go ranged, just remember the traditional problems with this:ġ) Applying sneak attack damage.
unless I pick scout with improved skirmish (yay double dice and ac bonus ) but then the question, paragon levels or not?Īnd regarding the fort save, maybe i should work on a kill them before they kill me basis (will also take uncanny trickster at lvl 10-12 for the extra hellfire warlock dice) and for the rest stay clear from the alcohol (not my usual lifestyle, but ok ).Ĭhiming in with Sneak Attack Fighter over Rogue, because you get Fort *AND* FULL BAB. this way i can sneak attack ranged every round someone attacks someone.

so rogue it is, with the feat deadeye shot i will only need to delay my actions until someone else attacks. I want those extra dice per attack, since glaive is very risky or i will need a way to get a lot of hp and ac.

Or he can enter Knight of the Sacred Seal and get to 16 BAB again, with all good saves, more HD and a massive bag of at-will tricks.I had allready put binder in the off tree, though for 1 level. immunity to energy drain/negative levels and permanent Mind Blank. And best of all, he doesn't have to lose Sneak Attack to do it - all he has to do is bind Andromalius, which he can do at 5th-level (or even 3rd with Improved Binding.)īinder gives very powerful buffs, e.g.
This will also help his HD and and fort save, plus allow him to bind Naberius to eliminate the Con damage from Hellfire Warlock. And sure, he can get by with a lower AB, but more always helps - especially if he decides to shape Eldritch Glaive and wade into melee, he'll get all his iteratives this way and deal some crazy damage.Īnother option is to put Binder on the other side. Going rogue won't help his fort save though. I will definately quicken my eldritch blast when the time comes, so I can EB, move and cast an invocation as well, will it be better to use my invocation of recasting invisibility so i can neak attack or should I still get scout? and should I include paragon class levels or not? (would help with moar skills and feats) I also pondered to take crossbow sniper, but that won't work with eldritch blast (not even with hideous blow). To remedy this I have pondered both the ranged skirmisher and deadeye shot feats. I know rogue gives more dice, but those hare harder to trigger, scout gives less, but goes off at every round. Thusfar I had for lvl 5: warlock 5 // scout 5 or warlock 5 // human paragon 3/scout 2 (and similar builds with the rogue instead of scout) with a progression into hellfire warlock (at lvl 9) on the warlock side, and at lvl 9 1 lvl of binder for naberius on the scout/rogue side. The abilityscore system is still up for debate, so what I'm looking for is a concept build. We start at lvl 5 or 6, but will reach higher level and we need to select a flaw or trait without getting the bonuses for said flaw or trait for rolelaying purposes. Improtant note: I won't need to make any items. I have thought about rogue and scout as options to include but I'd like to pick your brains on this matter. I don't want to melee (i don't like standing next to enemies), and would love some sniping/skirmishing build. the basic idea is that i want to make a pyromaniac hellfire warlock (CN, human) and crank out those d6's by making eldritch blasts.